TIGRESS AIRdirondack Chair 2016

The one time when I’ve liked the final result better than the design proposal. This is my completed painted chair for Airdrie’s AIRdirondack Art Project. 12 chairs were made by different artists, and right now they are all posted on an online auction until the end of September to raise money for the arts community.  It’s very exciting! Here is the online auction: https://www.32auctions.com/organizations/26155/auctions/31252?reset_filter=1

This is my favourite chair to date because I kept things loose – the design, the way I   painted, the flow and mix of colour and paint, I painted in a way that felt natural. My previous chairs had very gridded designs that had to be painted crisp and even. I had more fun painting this one, for sure. Also, I finally made the back of the chair as cool as the front of the chair (something I saw other artists do last year and boy does it make for a more compelling chair!) I actually started painting the back first, to make sure I did it, haha.

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Picnic Table

Here is the picnic table with the lily pad design I’ve been working on. I’m officially done blocking in the blue, now its time for some green!IMG_2525[1]

The Painted Chair, drawing vs Finished Product

Here is the frog design that I painted for the AIRdirondack Art Project. (I like to call it “The “Toadly Awesome Chair”).  The drawing of the chair was the proposal that I submitted to the contest jurors, and then after the design was given the green light I had four months to paint. The chair did not come with the bottom cross bar like it did last year so I adjusted the design of the frog’s mouth to rest in a nice closed smile instead of the open mouth. (But oh that crazy gaping mouth would’ve been fun to do!)

10374456_886358781435774_2962290870363134341_nI like to think that the six orange and green circles that are on the back of the chair are the eyes of three little frogs peeking through the big frog’s toes!


AIRdirondack Project

I can’t believe it! The new design that I came up with was chosen to be part of the 2015 AIRdirondack Art Project! Remember the Blue Jay chair I did last year? Wait till you see this year’s design…it is psychedelic. I thought it wouldn’t get chosen because it’s so weird.

AIRdirondack Art Project

IMG_19661IMG_19651-1024x768Here’s the chair that I painted. The Blue Jay design was a go! I spent four months working on it between juggling my three kids and housework and I won’t go on it would just get boring, needless to say I took every spare moment and some late nights to finish this thing!

I found out that it will be hanging from the ceiling at a splendid little cafe for the next few months before it gets auctioned off at the gala. I can’t wait to see it from its lofty abode!


Festival of Lights Display Contest


This was my entry for the new light display contest that the Airdrie Festival of Lights Society organized. The criteria were it had to be a locomotive with a driver, be within 7ft by 7ft and it could only contain the colours white, blue, red, yellow, green and purple. I was one of the runners-up!


For the past couple of years Creative Airdrie has invited local artists to propose designs to be painted onto handmade Adirondack chairs. After a panel of judges look at the submissions, ten artists are chosen to each paint their design on a chair. The chairs then get auctioned off at a gala and the proceeds go towards arts and culture initiatives in Airdrie.

This is my first year submitting some designs. One design is inspired by my love of blue jays and the west coast art of British Colombia. The other design is all about color and the whimsical fun of paper airplanes. Wish me luck!